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Follow our journey to China to bring Kristi home. After many years of prayerful consideration, we began this journey in January of 2010. We discovered Kristi's file in May of 2010 and the paperwork began. Finally in July 2011 we are on our way to bring her home!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

July 23, 2011

So far, we love Guangzhou!!  Our hotel is very nice - they have soft beds and pillows!! (sometimes it is the little things in life that make us happy!).  The buffet breakfast is great, the rooms are large and airy.  So far the only downside is the internet is weak (and not available in the room) and it is hot and humid here (think same lattitude as Cuba).  The city is located on the Shamain Island.  It is very sunny and cheerful here - the buildings are quaint, there is a large park-like boulevard with trees and grass and statues.  And there is a children's park!!

Our guide here is Connie.  Even though it is hot and humid, she always looks like a movie star - beautifully dressed, high heels, every hair in place!  She took us through the drill this morning very efficiently.  We had to get Kristi's passport picture taken, then off to the medical exam.  What a zoo!  Everyone comes to Guangzhou from around China to go through the same process to finalize their adoption - and the medical exams are always on Saturday.  So there were an unbelievable number of parents and children in the facility - all ages.  Many of the younger ones were screaming.  There were many stations - weight and height, vision, medical exam, and more.  The last station is the TB test where they prick the children on the arm with a needle and inject something.  We were told to keep the arm dry for two days and then we have to go back to find out the results.  Apparently about 50% test positive (something to do with their vacinations) and then they have to do a lung xray.  Connie assures us there will be no problem.  Connie then walked us through all of the necessary paperwork for the Consulate appointment.  Kristi was very good through the entire process.  We really thought she would be angry after the medical appointment, but she wasn't.  Connie did a great job of explaining to her what was going on each step of the way.

Krisit slept in this morning (until 8!!) and got up happy - she played around with us until our meeting with Connie and was much more affectionate than she had been the last couple of days.  After we wrapped up with Connie, we walked around and went to a restaurant that serves American food called Lucy's.  Paul had a cheseburger and fries and was so happy!  We then walked over to a children's park where Kristi made some friends and played for over an hour in spite of the heat.  She definitely wilted in the heat. Kristi seems to be getting better at being told no - at least for today.  She seems to understand that we will not change our mind even if she whines or throws a tantrum.  Again, no tantrums today -  thank you Lord! After dinner we came up with a new game, bowling with water bottles.  Oh the creative things we do when in a hotel room without toys or books!  Kristi was almost in tears at one point as she was laughing so hard!  A small victory today - she stopped carrying her backpack everywhere (the backpack was given to her by the orphanage).  Previously she had carried it every where we went - like her way of keeping connected to the past, something she could control.  Today she just left the backpack in the room and didn't bother with it all day.  Also, she did not pick out the dress to wear today that she was in when we got her from the orphanage.  In previous days that was the first dress she looked for.  All in all, today was a great day.  Things could go just the opposite tomorrow so we thank God for each good day and each small victory.

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